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Are You Prepared for a Crisis?

Crisis Preparation 101 Plan for a crisis before you are facing one A health pandemic threatens your annual event. A member of your leadership team says something on social media they shouldn’t have. Your customer data has been compromised. The definition of a crisis is anything that can potentially harm your reputation. In any situation that we traditionally call a crisis, you need a plan — way before you actually need to use it. While each crisis and its messaging may be unique, the plan and process for dealing with one should be standard.

  • Who are the members of your crisis team?

  • Who initiates the crisis protocol?

  • What is the protocol?

  • Does your leadership team understand the protocol, who will talk to whom (and when), and who is authorized to speak on behalf of the company?

Every organization needs a crisis plan that, at a minimum, outlines this information. Once the plan is formalized, it should be socialized and practiced. You can develop scenarios that are applicable to you, and you should cover the simplest from those that may seem far-fetched. Most importantly, you need a team member who is responsible for this key area.

Are you prepared for a crisis?

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